Dear Readers in Christ, "Draw near to GOD, and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8).

Thursday 14 March 2013

Mar 14 - “I HAVE ENOUGH”

 We live in a world filled with dissatisfied and greedy human beings. Let us not be one of them. It is indeed surprising, that the first person in the Bible who said, “I have enough,” was not acclaimed as a saint. It was Esau (Gen 33:9).

Jacob deceived his father and also Esau his brother and stole the birthright. Esau was very angry at that time and determined to kill Jacob. However, it looks as if Esau somehow learned that, “godliness with contentment is great gain,” and became a transformed person. He affectionately addresses Jacob “my brother”. In this age of materialism, greed and discontentment can lead one to even killing one’s own relatives.

When you are content with what you have, your relationship with God and others will be right and you will have no desire to amass wealth or acquire materials even if they are freely offered to you. How then can one covet another man’s possessions!

It is amazing to note that the face of the man who uttered the words, “I have enough,” was seen as the face of God and that, by one who was expecting to see a murderer’s face. “Jacob said, …I have seen thy face, as though I had seen the face of God” (Gen. 33:10). It is probable that Jacob realized that this transformation was due to Esau’s contentment. And he too, whose name means ‘supplanter’, seems to have changed for, we find him also saying, “I have enough” (Gen. 33:11). The lesson is crystal clear – contentment changes you, and others through you.

If the man who said, “I have enough” had a face like the face of God, one can imagine how terrible the face of the man who says, “I have not enough” will be!

           “When you look at others with their lands and gold,

            Think that Christ has promised you His wealth untold;

            Count your many blessings, money cannot buy

            Your reward in heaven nor your home on high.”

– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

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