Dear Readers in Christ, "Draw near to GOD, and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8).

Friday 12 April 2013


“Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven” (Matt.5:3).

This is the first beatitude spoken by our Lord. What a strange contradiction it is, to call the poor in spirit blessed! In the world, it’s the rich who are called blessed or ‘lucky’.

Jesus is the best example for being poor in spirit (II Cor 8:9). He emptied Himself of all His glory in heaven and came down to the earth. Therefore, the blessed secret of becoming poor in spirit is to empty oneself for the sake of Christ. As St. Paul discovered this truth, he emptied himself for Christ and counted all things but dung (Phil 3:7,8).

Once we empty ourselves or consecrate ourselves, even if anything that is dear to us is taken away suddenly, our close walk with God will not be disturbed and we will not lose our peace or get troubled. This is proof enough that we have emptied ourselves or consecrated everything that we have.

Dear reader, if you have not emptied yourself of everything, one day, when the time comes for you to leave this world, it will be very hard for you to empty yourself and leave!

                              – Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

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