Dear Readers in Christ, "Draw near to GOD, and He will draw near to you" (James 4:8).

Thursday 2 May 2013


“And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters” (Gen 1:2).

In Genesis1:1, we find ‘In the beginning God’ and hence ‘heaven’ is also found in that verse. But Genesis1:2 begins with ‘earth’ instead of ‘God’; hence we do not find heaven there, but instead, confusion, emptiness, ‘deep’ and darkness. It’s no surprise therefore that, those who give first preference to earthly things end up in darkness, confusion and emptiness – which all portray hell. Dear child of God, let God be first; let Him be the beginning of every detail of your life. Then you can enjoy heaven on earth.

Thank God, the first move was the move of the Spirit of God —the Holy Ghost is the first and prime Mover. The Spirit of God moved, not when all things were alright, as we would expect, but when everything was in a chaotic state; not when there was light, but when there was darkness; not when all were on fire, but when everywhere there was only cold water! What an encouraging thought for those who are waiting for a mighty revival and interceding for it!

The Psalmist shares with us a similar revelation: ‘I had fainted, unless I had believed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living’ (Psa 27:13). He did not see the goodness of the Lord, and yet he believed to see it, or he would have fainted and become discouraged. Dear reader, are you fainting and getting discouraged because you do not see a revival? Take heart, believe, and you will surely see it.
– Taken from Morning Manna – Thoughts for Daily Devotion

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